AudaVid: Audacity(R) audio editor with synchronised video playback
YouTube ChannelAudaVid is a customised software build of the Audacity(R) audio editor. It provides synchronised video playback using a modified version of the VidPlayVST DAW plug-in. AudaVid is used by media producers composing audio material in sync with video.
The application is available for Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS and uses FFmpeg, which is an Open Source library of tools for working with video and audio data in multiple formats. It is able to open and play video files in any format supported by FFmpeg.
- Facility to pick out a specific cue from a longer video reel.
- Loop mode, which can be useful for live performance or rolling presentations.
- The viewport window is resizable and, optionally, the video may be viewed in a detached window or full screen.
- Video may be viewed at its original aspect ratio or scaled to fit a chosen window size.
- Plays the soundtrack if present within the video file, or it can be muted.
- Option to display SMPTE timecode.
- Projects are exchangeable with Audacity(R) version 2.
Free Downloads - Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Installer AudaVid-2.3.2.msi
orCompressed archive (Link opens Google Drive page. Click on download symbol.)
If you like AudaVid please contribute to the development effort by buying a copy of the VidPlayVST DAW plug-in.
Configuration - Windows
Requires Windows 7, 8 or 10. Will not run in Vista or XP.
Installs from a Microsoft Installer (.msi) compressed package which places the application in the 'Program Files(x86)' folder [AudaVid and Audacity(R) are currently 32 bit programs]. Also available as a .zip compressed archive which can be installed to any folder the user chooses.
Free Download - Apple macOS
If you like AudaVid please contribute to the development effort by buying a copy of the VidPlayVST DAW plug-in.
Configuration - macOS
Requires macOS 10.13 High Sierra to macOS 13 Ventura. The software is Apple signed and notarized.
Installs from a signed .pkg package installer enclosed within the download archive.
Usage Notes
First time usage
The video window is accessed from the 'View, Video Plug-in...' main menu option. Click on the 'Open a video file' icon top left of the plug-in window, or drag/drop a video file on to the video window.
Playback requires at least one audio track to be present. A silent track can be used for first testing by choosing main menu option 'Generate, Silence...'. The transport Play button will then be enabled.
How to capture video soundtrack into AudaVid - Windows WASAPI loopback
A useful feature of both AudaVid and Audacity(R) is that the audio output can be looped back to the input and recorded into a track. Choose 'Audio Host - Windows WASAPI' and 'Recording Device [your device] (loopback)'. Create a silent track, as discussed above. Choose 'Transport, Recording, Record New Track' to start playback and the video soundtrack will be captured into a new track.
With long videos use 'OPTIMIZE: Cache File Analysis'
This plug-in option provides faster video load, and initialisation at playback start. There is a fuller explanation on the FAQ page (see 'videos over an hour long').
Key Frames, Key Frames!!
Most videos are encoded with frequent key frames, and these are required for AudaVid to work correctly. A key frame interval of 1 second or less is ideal. Click on the help button to open the About window, where video statistics are displayed, to confirm the 'Average key frame interval, msecs'. If this exceeds 5000 msecs then there will be noticeable delays in synchronisation when the transport timeline is moved around.
VideoValidator - diagnosing playback problems
VideoValidator is a utility application which quickly scans a video file to diagnose encoding problems. It locates errors such as invalid frame timestamps, and provides advice on various playback issues. It is available free: HERE.